Factors Affecting Population Density
Compare: the two maps.
Answer: the following questions on a sheet of paper.
1. Where do most Chinese people live? Explain why they live
2. Where do the least number of Chinese people live? Explain
Factors Affecting
Population Growth
List: The last population growth rate of the following Asian
countries: Cambodia, Bangladesh, China, Japan, and India.
3. What country has
the highest population growth?
4. What country has
the lowest population growth?
5. What period has
the greatest decline of population rate for Cambodia? Using
Google, what historical event caused such a rapid decrease in population rate?
6. Google “China’s
One-child policy.” Describe it. When was it
implemented? Using the pop. growth graph, what impact has it had
on China’s population?
Open up another window and go to: http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb-wdi&met=ny_gdp_mktp_cd&idim=country:CHN&q=china+gdp#met=ny_gdp_mktp_cd
Find out:
What does GDP stand for?
Is a high GDP a good thing? Explain.
10. List: The GDP of the following Asian countries: Cambodia, Bangladesh, China, Japan,
and India.
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